How Software Containers Help Researchers

Software containers are packages of software that contain all of the necessary elements to run a program in any computer environment. They can help you do research wherever you need to.

Like shipping containers, they can easily be moved from place to place. This means they have many benefits for research, including standardisation, portability, reliability and reproducibility.

Understanding the concept of software containers enables researchers to better communicate their research needs with colleagues and other researchers using and developing containers.

You can find out more by watching our ARDC video below and reading more information ( on software containers.

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More resources for researchers and institutions working with research containers: 

  • The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre has a list of videos and tutorials explaining containers.
  • If you are a researcher in Australia you can build containers in the ARDC Nectar Research Cloud.
  • If you are already familiar with containers in research you are welcome to participate in the Australian Research Container Orchestration Services (ARCOS) Community via our webpage here.