FAIR Data Self Assessment Tool
Use our FAIR data self assessment tool to assess how FAIR your research dataset is and get practical tips on how to enhance its FAIRness.
This handy tool helps you assess the FAIRness of a dataset and determine how to enhance its FAIRness (where applicable).
In the tool below, you will answer questions related to the principles underpinning Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR).
Once you’ve answered all the questions in each section, you’ll be given a ‘green bar’ indicator based on your answers in that section. When all sections are completed, it provides you with an overall ‘FAIRness’ indicator.
The tool has been designed predominantly for data librarians and IT staff, but could be used by software engineers developing FAIR data tools and services, and researchers provided they have assistance from research support staff.
FAIR guiding principles for scientific data management and stewardship was published in 2016. It provides a useful framework for thinking about sharing data in a way that will enable maximum use and reuse.
Learn more about making your data more FAIR.
Find more training resources on FAIR.