Our Partnerships

Our partnerships ensure national research data and software assets are developed, available and sustained so Australian researchers can collaborate on global challenges.
Our Partnerships

Partner with Us

Partnerships are essential for Australia to develop a national research data commons and collaboration is a core value of the ARDC. Our national and international collaborations and partnerships ensure valuable data and software assets are developed, made available and sustained for everyone.

Our Partners

The following outlines the different types of organisations we partner with:

  • Learned Academies
  • Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology
  • Council of Australian University Librarians
  • Funders

  • Universities
  • Publicly funded research agencies
  • Medical research institutes
  • Cooperative Research Centres
  • ARC Centres of Excellence

  • Digital data and eResearch platforms (DDeRP) group: AARNet, Australian Access Federation, ARDC, NCI Australia, Pawsey Supercomputing Centre
  • National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) facilities
  • Other national and state infrastructure providers (including the ARDC Nectar Research Cloud node community)
  • Disciplinary archives
  • Commercial digital infrastructure providers

  • Science agencies
  • Data-rich departments
  • Policy agencies
  • Galleries, libraries, archives and museums

Our International Partnerships

We partner with international data and software infrastructure organisations around the world to ensure Australian researchers are best positioned to collaborate on global challenges and to optimise our own operational activities. Partnerships include:

We also lead work through the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on developing a digitally skilled workforce to:

Our international memberships include:

Research Data Alliance

The Research Data Alliance (RDA) was founded by the European Commission, the United States Government’s National Science Foundation and National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Australian Government’s Department of Innovation to build the social and technical infrastructures that enable open sharing and re-use of data.

Since its inception, the ARDC has led Australia’s participation in RDA, to address the social challenges in sharing data, improving data skills and training opportunities, developing strategies for data management planning and supporting the certification of data repositories. A recent highlight includes the establishment of agreements that led to the international adoption of our Australian-led Researcher Activity Identifier service (RAiD).


We have a strong relationship with ORCID, which provides persistent digital identifiers for individuals, enabling transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions and affiliations.

Our National Partnerships

We’ve created the Research Activity Identifier service (RAiD) in partnership with the Australian Access Federation (AAF) and Australia’s Academic and Research Network (AARNet). RAiD is a persistent identifier connecting researchers, institutions, outputs and tools together to give oversight across a whole research activity, making data provenance and reporting clear and easy.

We also have strong national connections with organisations in the humanities, arts and social sciences (HASS), environmental sciences, geoscience, bushfire and clinical health research communities, and many others, through our programs and projects.

Our national memberships include:

  • Australasian Institute of Digital Health (AIDH)
  • Australian Data Science Network
  • Australian eResearch Organisation (AeRO)
  • Health Services Research Association of Australia and New Zealand (HSRAANZ)
  • Research Australia
  • Science and Technology Australia.
Our National Partnerships

Our Communities of Practice

We coordinate a number of digital communities of practice and special interest groups for the Australian digital research sector. These communities provide a platform for ongoing support, information exchange, best practice and problem solving. The communities hold regular webinars to bring interested researchers, research support professionals and infrastructure providers together to network and discuss digital research.

Our Communities of Practice

Partner with Us

Contact us today to find out how you and your organisation can partner with us.

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