ARDC Research Data Australia

More than ever we’re recognising the value of data and the untapped potential for research impact in Australia’s extensive data collections.
Using ARDC’s Research Data Australia service, you can find, access and reuse data for research from Australian organisations.
What Is Research Data Australia?
Research Data Australia is an online portal for finding data for research and associated projects, researchers and data services. You can find, access and reuse data from more than 100 Australian research organisations, government agencies and cultural institutions, with most data immediately accessible online.
Research Data Australia caters specifically for researchers but is also relevant to policy makers, educators, industry and the business community.
What Data Is Available Through Research Data Australia?
A single search in Research Data Australia retrieves data resources across a wide range of subjects. The ARDC does not store the data but displays descriptions of, and links to, the data held by over 100 data publishing partners or contributors.
Our Collection Development Policy defines the scope of the data resources retrievable in Research Data Australia.
Interested in Becoming a Contributor to Research Data Australia?
Australian organisations can contribute descriptions of their data collections (and their associated services, projects and researchers) to Research Data Australia so as to increase their visibility and findability. The data itself remains with contributors and only the descriptions are published on Research Data Australia with access and licensing provisions defined by the data publisher.
These descriptions (metadata records) are syndicated or shared with other national and international registries and search engines, such as Google, to increase their discoverability.
To get started on this journey, please read our guide to providing metadata records to Research Data Australia.