About the Event
You’re invited to join us at the ARDC Digital Research Skills Summit 2024 in Naarm/Melbourne or online.
As the research landscape undergoes rapid digital transformation, upskilling researchers for digital research becomes an imperative for achieving cutting-edge discoveries.
Join us for all 3 days in Melbourne, or register for the days which interest you the most!
Who Should Attend
The Summit is open to everyone and provides an opportunity to share, learn and network with thought leaders, digital research infrastructure providers, digital skills trainers and researchers.
We particularly welcome:
- digital skills trainers
- researchers
- digital infrastructure providers
- research support professionals
- community engagement specialists
- people from The Carpentries community (and Carpentry-curious too!).
Day 1: ARDC Skills Leadership Forum (Tuesday 21 May)
Join us for an afternoon of thought-provoking panel discussions with leaders from national and institutional research infrastructure facilities on driving the development of a national, digitally skilled research workforce. What pathways and support help address skills gaps to enable effective research? This forum is facilitated by Associate Professor Nic Geard, Director, Melbourne Data Analytics Platform (MDAP), University of Melbourne, and joined by:
- Professor Helen Thompson, Centre for eResearch and Digital Innovation (CeRDI), Federation University
- Professor David Powell, Director, eResearch Centre, Monash University
- Dr Tim Rawling, CEO, Auscope
- Julie Rothacker, Director, Major External Projects (Government), Australian Catholic University.
The forum comprises a panel discussion and an audience Q-and-A session. Join us in-person for coffee and tea prior to the forum and after for a late afternoon reception.
Recording and slides
A recording of the forum is now available along with the slides for the introduction by Rosie Hicks, CEO, ARDC and a summary article:
Forum theme
The Skilled Research Infrastructure Workforce: Pathways and Support to Enable Effective Research
- 1 to 2 pm (AEST): coffee and tea
- 2 to 4 pm (AEST): panel discussion
- 4 to 5 pm (AEST): networking drinks and canapés
Who should attend
- Research leaders and decision makers
- Research infrastructure providers
- Researchers working in the infrastructure space
- Training managers
Day 2: Building Community Around Research Infrastructure (Wednesday 22 May)
Leveraging ARDC-partnered digital research infrastructure initiatives as case studies, join us as we draw on the expertise of researchers and skills trainers to uncover the challenges faced by users of digital research infrastructure and investigate possible strategies to address them. A number of projects for our 3 Thematic Research Data Commons – namely the HASS and Indigenous Research Data Commons, Planet Research Data Commons for earth and environmental science research, and People Research Data Commons for health and medical research – will be featured:
- Language Data Commons of Australia (LDaCA), which is making nationally significant language data available for academic and non-academic use and providing a model for ensuring continued access with appropriate community control
- Improving Indigenous Research Capabilities (IIRC), an Indigenous research capability program that celebrates, supports and enhances the capabilities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and researchers at the interface of research data science and Indigenous knowledge systems, and also empowers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to manage their own data and decide their own local data priorities
- Australian Creative Histories and Futures
- Australian Internet Observatory
- Enhancing Metadata for Inclusive Research on Entrenched Disadvantage, a project to improve the metadata of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Higher Education (HE) administrative data within Person Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA) (formerly known as Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP) data) with a view to increase the utility of the data for researchers/analysts
- Biosecurity Commons, a cloud-based decision-support platform for modelling biosecurity risk and response where users can share data, collaborate on processing or analyses, and selectively share access to workflows and associated data products – Dr James Camac will highlight successes and the barriers yet to be overcome regarding user engagement
- Open Ecoacoustics, a platform facilitating Australia-wide ecological and threatened species monitoring using passive acoustic monitoring, open to everyone to aggregate, process or share data, and conduct analyses – Professor Paul Roe will highlight successes and the barriers yet to be overcome regarding user engagement
- WildObs Australia, which is building a platform to allow users to upload, process, share and analyse camera trap wildlife data, both the images and the spreadsheets, as camera traps have become a preferred non-intrusive sampling approach for many species – Dr Matthew Luskin will highlight barriers and solutions regarding user engagement
- Health Studies Australian National Data Asset (HeSANDA), which is building national infrastructure to allow researchers to access and share data from health studies, including clinical trials, cohort studies and other data valuable for research
- AIHW’s National Health Data Hub (NHDH), a flexible system for linking and providing access to health data sets. It will deliver substantial efficiencies to the data linkage process, timeframes and costs, while providing more streamlined access to data for government and non-government researchers
9:30 am to 5 pm (AEST)
Who should attend
- Research infrastructure developers and managers
- Researchers and infrastructure users
- Digital research skills trainers
- Training leads and managers
Day 3: Carpentry Connect (Thursday 23 May)
This will be an interactive day of talks, workshops and networking for the Australian Carpentries community. The central face-to-face hub in Naarm/Melbourne will be supported by hybrid connections to satellite hubs and online participants. Highlights include:
- local community lightning talks
- “The Board Is Listening”: feedback for the Board of Directors
- discussion on how we can collaborate better together
- workshop on revitalising Git training curriculum
- discussion on instructor setup for teaching workshops.
The Carpentries are a global community of researchers and data professionals who teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide. It’s backed by a non-profit organisation which develops curriculum, trains instructors and teaches workshops on reproducible data and software skills.
This is a perfect opportunity to engage with Carpentries folk from across Australia and Aotearoa (New Zealand), seek help in building learner communities and find out how The Carpentries can support your training needs.
9:30 am to 4 pm (AEST) / 10 am to 3 pm (AWST) / 10 am to 4 pm (NZST)
Who should attend
- Instructors and trainers
- Researchers
- Research support professionals
- Training leads at research infrastructure facilities
- Carpentries community members and Carpentry-curious
- Attendees are expected to abide by the ARDC Code of Conduct during this event.
- The ARDC Skills Leadership Forum will be held in person at the University of Melbourne with options to participate online. Some workshops may be held in person only due to the nature of interactive workshops.
- Workshops will require laptop computers (PC or Mac). Personal devices, such as mobile phones and tablets, will not be suitable for the workshops. Please bring your own device and charging cords.
- Day 1 will conclude with a late afternoon network reception. Lunch will be provided on Days 2 and 3. Light refreshments will be provided on all days. We are unable to cater to special dietary requirements for registrations submitted after 14 May 2024.
COVID Precautions
There will be disposable face masks and hand sanitisers at the venue.
Please refer to the University of Melbourne’s COVID-19 update for the latest advice on COVID management at the university and refer to the Victorian Better Health website for advice on COVID-19 management in Victoria.
Plenary and panel sessions will be recorded. The recordings will be provided to all registrants and published on this page after the event.
Do you have questions about this event? Contact us.
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Related News & Events
- The Skilled Research Infrastructure Workforce: Pathways and Support to Enable Effective Research
- Digital Research Skills Trainers Convene at the 2023 ARDC Skills Summit
- ARDC Skills: Leading the National Digital Research Skills Agenda
- Building Digital and Data Trainers at CSIRO
- Carpentries Partnership for Australia to Uplift Digital Research Skills
- SupercomputingAsia 2024 Highlights Skills and Training
- Latest Updates from the People Research Data Commons