About the Event
The Monash eResearch Centre, in collaboration with the University of Queensland’s Research Computing Centre, is conducting a hands on profiling workshop for researchers working with TensorFlow or Keras on the national Machine Learning eResearch Platform (MLeRP).
The workshop will cover basic code profiling and optimisation to make the best use of MLeRP. It will focus on simple techniques and will avoid advanced (or intermediate topics). Areas that require advanced expertise are highlighted but are not covered in depth.
Attendees will gain a practical understanding of sizing tasks with respect to memory constraints and how to avoid bottlenecks which lead to poor performance.
This workshop is aimed for researchers that have little or no experience with profiling. Nevertheless, participants are expected to have general experience with Python, Jupypter Notebooks and machine learning.
- Understanding the environment, setup and general workflow
- Profiling basics using TensorFlow’s built in tools
- Managing large profiling datasets
- Identifying bottlenecks in order to speed up run-times
- Configuration and sizing tasks for optimal use of resources
- Simple optimisation strategies
Who Should Attend
The workshop is open to Australian and New Zealand researchers. Note that:
- attendees must have access to the MLeRP platform
- basic Python programming ability is required
- some experience interacting with JupyterLab environment is required
- attendees will use their own workstation/laptop and participate in the workshop remotely using Zoom.
Learn More
MLeRP is a collaboration between Monash University, University of Queensland and QCIF, and received investment (https://doi.org/10.47486/NML01) from the ARDC. This workshop is presented as part of the ML4AU Community of Practice.