
Australian Companion Animal Registry of Cancers (ACARCinom) Launch

Join us as we introduce Australia's first canine and feline cancer database, ACARCincom, which is supported by the ARDC.
A dog and a cat in a yellow room

About the Event

Hear more about the first Australia-wide database of canine and feline cancers! This event will provide you with the first-hand insight into ACARCinom, built upon a multi-institutional partnership between UQ, The University of Sydney, The University of Adelaide, Murdoch University, Gribbles and Idexx.

ACARCinom received co-investment from the ARDC.

Using ACARCinom, dog and cat owners and veterinarians can make more informed decisions about cancer diagnosis, treatment and care options.


A recording of this event is now available:


Time (AEST, am)Item
9 to 9:30Welcome from:
Melissa Brown, Executive Dean, Faculty of Science, UQ
Nigel Perkins, Head of UQ School of Veterinary Science
Catherine Brady, Program Manager, ARDC
Paul Bonnington, Pro-Vice Chancellor – Research Infrastructure, UQ
Geeta Saini, Representative of the Australian Veterinary Association
9:30 to 10Presentation on ACARCinom by Chiara Palmieri, Professor in Veterinary Pathology, UQ School of Veterinary Science
10 to 10:30“How companion animal data matter for epidemiology and environmental health”, presented by Ricardo Soares Magalhães, Professor of Zoonotic Disease Epidemiology and Biosecurity
10:30 to 11Q-and-A session
11Close and refreshment


23 November 2023


9 to 11 am (AEST)


Launch event


UQ St Lucia | Online

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