We’re excited to announce that Gale is the first sponsor to provide national support for the premier tech upskilling events for researchers, ResBaz. Gale will sponsor ResBaz in Darwin, Queensland and Sydney.
ResBaz (short for research bazaar) is a multidisciplinary tech conference for researchers, held in multiple cities across Australia. Like a bazaar or a marketplace, each ResBaz helps researchers test and sample technologies and different tools in an informal and collaborative environment.
The ResBaz Network, supported by the ARDC, has devised a system for sponsors to go national and reach a broader audience. Gale is the first organisation to take up this national sponsorship.
Laura Whitton, Sales & Marketing Director for Gale ANZ/SEA said, “Gale has been supporting and sponsoring ResBaz QLD since 2021 and we are delighted to expand our support and become the first ResBaz National Sponsor. We look forward to attending and being part of ResBaz QLD, ResBaz Sydney and the inaugural ResBaz Darwin and can’t wait to chat with researchers at all three venues.”
The Gale Digital Scholar Lab will feature at these ResBazzes. It supports primary material analysis for researchers in the digital humanities.
Kathryn Unsworth, Manager, Skilled Workforce, ARDC said, “One of the reasons the ARDC led the establishment of the national ResBaz Network is to make it easier for anyone to reach all ResBaz events at once, whether they are industry sponsors, national research facilities or researchers themselves.”
Representing ResBaz Qld, Mark Crowe, QCIF, said, “ResBaz Qld is a keen member of the ResBaz Network because we see real value in sharing ideas and expertise with our colleagues in other states. Facilitating an enthusiastic supporter like Gale to expand from local to national level sponsorship of ResBaz is a clear demonstration of the value of that cooperation.”
Originating as a grassroots digital skills festival for researchers, ResBaz events have established a trustworthy brand for strong community engagement and connecting Australian researchers to cutting-edge research tools and technology. Since 2015, ResBaz has been hosted annually in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, and Brisbane. Darwin will launch its first event later this year.
This year, Perth kicks off ResBaz season in Australia on 7 September, with Sydney following 26-28 September, Darwin 25-26 October and Queensland 21-23 November.
If you are interested in becoming a national sponsor for ResBaz, please email us.