ARDC Handle Service

The Handle system is used to create persistent identifiers where a DOI is not appropriate or cannot be created. The ARDC Handle service is available cost-free for Australian organisations and individuals creating, using or curating publicly available research data.
Check the identifier tree to see if the ARDC Handle service is right for your needs.
How the ARDC Handle Services Works
The ARDC Handle service is a way to automatically assign globally unique citable identifiers, based on Handle technology, to your datasets, collections and papers.
It creates a clickable reference to your dataset that can be maintained, even if the location of the dataset changes. When people click on it, the ARDC service re-routes them to whatever location you nominate, and you can update that location at any time. This clickable or resolvable link is called a handle.
For more information about our criteria please read the Handle Service Policy Statement.
Ways of Using the Service
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