Research Data Management (RDM) Business Intelligence and Reporting
Exploreabout Research Data Management (RDM) Business Intelligence and Reporting
Higher degree by research (HDR) students need training in how to manage their research data. This provides an opportunity to instil good data management practices and create consistency in practice and capability across Australian researchers. However, different institutions have different systems and requirements for data management, resulting in inconsistencies in training and guidance that can be confusing for researchers collaborating or moving between institutions.
The Principles Aligned, Institutionally-Contextualised (PAI-C) training for HDR students was created as part of the Institutional Underpinnings program in 2022. This training was based on the minimum RDM competencies identified in the RDM Framework for Institutions. Designed as a generic set of core materials which can be contextualised to a specific university, PAI-C provides consistency in the training provided to HDR students while allowing for the differences between institutions.
The original PAI-C training was developed and implemented by 3 universities. The current project extended PAI-C to 5 new universities to test and improve the materials and increase the consistency of RDM training for Australian HDR students.
The PAI-C training materials can be found on DReSA.
HDR students and researchers will benefit from more consistent RDM training from their research institutions. Universities and other research institutions will benefit from a set of baseline RDM training materials that can be adapted to their own institutional needs.
This project was one of the 4 projects of the Institutional Underpinnings Research Data Management Network (IU RDM Network). Learn about the Network and the other 3 projects:
The IU RDM Network was an extension of the ARDC-led Institutional Underpinning program, which has developed the first RDM framework for Australian universities. Learn more about the program and access the: