Integrated National Air Pollution and Health Data
Exploreabout Integrated National Air Pollution and Health Data
Electronic medical record (EMR) data warehouses for audit, research and surveillance exist in Australia. However, they have variable standards. As the need to utilise health data across organisational boundaries grows, we face challenges regarding data standards, linkage, and governance. Converting EMRs to one common data model (CDM) will open up health data for collaborative use.
To enhance data accessibility for rapid interrogation and evidence generation, this project has established a national, research-ready hospital EMR data asset.
The project transforms data from hospital EMRs to an international gold standard Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM). Tools, mappings and experience gained will be made openly available, and a community of practice and a roadmap for continued national implementation will be built.
By streamlining data governance, consent, and ethics, the data asset will significantly improve the quality, accessibility and feasibility of EMR data warehouses. We have converted 3 existing data warehouses from the following centres so that they can be accessed through a single interface:
Learnings from these conversions will guide the conversion of other data warehouse platforms, including the EPIC EMR system, which will be investigated in collaboration with the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
The project has delivered or contributed to:
Health information data is currently siloed in individual EMR systems. The OMOP Common Data Model will harmonise this data and allow direct comparisons. A common data layer will allow standard queries to be run on the data and results shared among researchers.
When a researcher wants to run standard analysis on a number of OMOP-compliant datasets, they will contact the data custodian at each centre to obtain permission. Once permission has been given, a standard analysis script can be provided by the researcher and run on each data set. Results are generated and shared for research, but the actual underlying health information data doesn’t leave the host institution.
The OMOP Common Data Model is supported by high quality training resources. Extract, transform and load (ETL) workshops are provided by OHDSI Asia Pacific. Researchers are provided hands-on training on preparing their health data for the common data model. The EHDEN Academy provides online training and assessment in the common data model via the learning management system Moodle. The annual OHDSI International Symposium provides training and collaboration opportunities for researchers.
The project has:
Work is continuing on OMOP Common Data Models through the ARDC’s People Research Data Commons focus area on data integration.
A paper has been published by the project team on the OMOP Common Data Model and how its adoption locally and internationally facilitates more efficient and secure access to EMR data. Read the paper.
In April 2024, a paper was published in PLOS ONE, “The OMOP common data model in Australian primary care data: Building a quality research ready harmonised dataset.” Read the paper.
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This project will benefit: