Australian Child and Youth Wellbeing Atlas (ACYWA)
Exploreabout Australian Child and Youth Wellbeing Atlas (ACYWA)
Australian researchers and pest species managers are developing chemical, biological and genetic control strategies for native and invasive pest species. However, they often lack quality reference datasets such as genomes of relevance to Australia, associated population data and pipelines for downstream use and analysis of data assets.
The Australian Pest Genome Partnership (APGP) is delivering reference-quality data assets for Australian pests and invasive species to aid development and uptake of modern genome-based approaches to their management.
This project has:
Access reference-quality genomic data assets for some of Australia’s top pest and invasive species on the CSIRO Applied Genomics Initiative (AGI) website. Data is also accessible via the CSIRO Data Access Portal.
This project is collating, simplifying, upgrading and coordinating the data assets that underpin future pest research and management in Australia, making Australia a world leader in genome-based approaches to control.
Australians will benefit from reduced public health risks and the reduction in the impacts of these species. The APGP will also enable: