
HeSANDA Queensland Node Launch

Find out about HeSANDA's Queensland node, how to share data for secondary research purposes and how to request data from Health Data Australia.
Two medical professionals conducting a scan

About the Event

On Monday 23 October 2023, Health Translation Queensland (HTQ) will officially launch HeSANDA’s Queensland node.

At this event, Queensland’s health research community will find out how to set up their clinical trials for the sharing and re-use of data and how to upload their trials into the Queensland node so they are identifiable in Health Data Australia.


On 18 July 2023, the ARDC launched Health Data Australia, a new national catalogue making sharing and requesting access to data from health studies easier.

The catalogue for sharing clinical trial data was co-designed by the ARDC, experts and representatives from the 9 initial nodes of the Health Studies Australia National Data Asset (HeSANDA) network that represents over 70 health research organisations across Australia.

HeSANDA is an initiative of the ARDC that began in 2021 and continues under the People Research Data Commons. The ARDC is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).

Keynote Speaker

Professor Andrew Morris, Director at Health Data Research UK, will give a talk on the UK’s system and outline the benefits of data sharing.

Who Should Attend

Join us if you are interested in using genomic data for species relevant to Australia.

Format and Registration

This event will be held online and in person at the Mayne Medical School. Lunch will be served from 12:00 noon for in-person attendees, and the launch will start online at 1:00 pm. To secure your spot, please register in advance.

  • For in-person attendance, please RSVP by 12:00 noon (AEST), Monday 16 October 2023.
  • For online attendance, please RSVP by 11:30 am (AEST), Monday 23 October 2023.