Building a Trusted Environmental Data and Information Supply Chain: Forum and Workshop Report

Read a report on consultation activities for building a trusted environmental data and information supply chain.

Trusted data and information supply chains are vital for research and evidence-based decision making.

As part of the ARDC’s Planet Research Data Commons, the ARDC, Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI), Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI) and partners are currently leading an approach to establish environmental information supply chains. 

To help advance this work, the ARDC, WABSI, WAMSI organised 3 events to explore the building of trusted environmental data and information supply chains at the University Club, University of Western Australia, Perth, 6-7 June 2023.  

The events brought together senior representatives from large businesses and industry, senior regulators and policy leaders from the Australian and Western Australian Governments, and national research institutions, research infrastructure providers and the Australian Government Department of Education.

Over 80 stakeholders attended the events.

This report shares the objectives and format of the forum and workshop, and makes recommendations for next steps.

This activity is part of the Planet Research Data Commons (Planet RDC), which provides national-scale data infrastructure for environmental and earth science researchers, policy makers and decision makers, and research data managers. It builds upon the ARDC’s previous work in earth and environment-related research data infrastructure.


  • Introduction    
    • 1.1. Objectives    
  • 2. Forum: the challenge    
  • 3. Workshop: themes and feedback    
    • 3.1 Culture    
    • 3.2 Collect   
    • 3.3 Curate
    • 3.4 Integrate 
    • 3.5 Analyse 
  • 4. Key Recommendations
  • Appendix 1: Organisations Represented
  • Appendix 2: List of speakers
  • Appendix 3: Workshop Agendas
  • ARDC Ltd. WABSI, WAMSI. (2023) Building a Trusted Environmental Data and Information Supply Chain: Forum and Workshop Report.

    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8337060

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    Cover of the report with the title againast a photo of a river bend