Shared Analytic Framework for the Environment (SAFE 2.0)
Read this guide about capabilities for a national supply chain of environmental information.
The Shared Analytic Framework for the Environment (SAFE 2.0) guide describes the capabilities for a national supply chain of environmental information.
The guide was published through a partnership between the ARDC, the Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI) and the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI).
A shared analytic framework for the environment (SAFE) depicts the capabilities – the building blocks – which work together across the information and analytic supply chain to provide input decision support and reporting tools for environmental assessments. It is a management tool, providing a framework and language to:
- facilitate a consistent view of the capabilities and their interdependencies
- help align effort and prioritise investment across these capabilities.
SAFE has been developed to accelerate the move to devolved robust, repeatable and transparent decision making for environmental assessments. This will:
- reduce risk for investors, as they will be better able to understand the impact of, and to develop mitigation strategies for, activities that they propose to undertake
- remove duplication between regulators at different levels of government
- provide public reassurance about the quality of decisions.
SAFE can help individual projects determine the capabilities that they need, as well as help prioritise effort across the information and analytic supply chain that supports national decision making.
The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute and Western Australian Marine Science Institution 2023, Capabilities for a national supply chain of environmental information SAFE 2.0, The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute, Perth, Australia.
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