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ARDC and Your Research
Professor James McCaw leads a team of researchers who conduct COVID-19 modelling and epidemiological analysis on the ARDC Nectar Research Cloud.
“There are 30 to 40 people doing all this work across Australia who find Nectar a very accessible and well supported system. I’ve had 5 students studying the fundamental mathematical aspects of infection and immunity who’ve done their whole PhD work and computations through the Nectar Research Cloud resource allocation. This has resulted in important contributions to scholarly knowledge in mathematical biology. That has also laid the foundation for being ready to respond to events like the COVID-19 pandemic and support the response.”
James McCaw
Australian Health Protection Principal Committee member and professor of mathematical biology
University of Melbourne
More about the researchUniversity of Melbourne

Dr Chiara Palmieri worked with the ARDC to create ACARCinom, the world’s first national dog and cat cancer database.
“In the past there have been a few sporadic attempts to create veterinary cancer registries, but they have been short lived, and not well thought out. We are creating a system that collects real-time data on cancer in animals. There is a big gap in this space. While the main goal of the project is to create the database, in the process we will develop a system to simplify veterinary cancer registration.”
Dr Chiara Palmieri
Specialist veterinary pathologist and Professor Vet Pathology
The University of Queensland
More about ACARCinomThe University of Queensland

Conservation data scientist Dr Elisa Bayraktarov led the ARDC-supported EcoCommons research platform.
“The EcoCommons Australia program is building a research platform to bring all the fantastic data that already exists into one place, connect it with published methods, tools and analytical workflows, and back this all up with high performance computation and cloud storage. And by doing this in one connected platform, running scientific workflows becomes much more rapid, transparent, reproducible and streamlined.”
Dr Elisa Bayraktarov
Former EcoCommons program manager
More about EcoCommons