FAIR Data Training Resources

There’s a wide range of free FAIR data training resources for researchers available online, run by various training providers around the world.

The ARDC also offers free training courses and training resources in FAIR data. They are designed for researchers, research data managers, data librarians and IT support staff.

ARDC FAIR Data Training and Resources

FAIR Data 101 is an openly available training course by the ARDC for:

  • individuals working with data, such as researchers, publishers, librarians or those working in research support
  • anyone seeking to develop their skills in enabling FAIR data in practice.

The course features self-paced videos, Q&A sessions, activities and quizzes for each of the 4 components of FAIR – findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability.

The activities and quizzes will require 6 hours. Watch the presentations and Q&A discussions will require an extra 12 hours.

By the end of the course, you’ll:

  • understand the motivation behind the FAIR principles
  • remember that “FAIR” stands for “findable”, “accessible”, “interoperable” and “reusable”
  • develop skills in managing FAIR data in practice
  • understand the tools that can support FAIR data management
  • identify best practice examples of FAIR data management.

You’re also encouraged to reuse or repurpose these materials via our GitHub repository. All content from FAIR Data 101 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. To reuse please use the following citation:

Stokes, L., Liffers, M., Burton, N., Martinez, P. A., Simons, N., Russell, K., McCafferty, S., Ferrers, R., McEachern, S., Barlow, M., Brady, C., Brownlee, R., Honeyman, T., & Quiroga, M. del M. (2021, July 13). ARDC FAIR Data 101 self-guided. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5094034

We developed the Top 10 FAIR Data and Software Things as part of an online global sprint. Participants from around the world developed “things”, which are standalone, self-paced training materials that can be used by research communities to understand FAIR in different research disciplines and contexts and also as starting points for conversations with partners around FAIR.

Our Top 10 FAIR Data and Software Things cover:

  • oceanography
  • research software
  • research libraries
  • research data management (RDM) support
  • international relations
  • humanities – historical research
  • geoscience
  • biomedical data producers, stewards and funders
  • biodiversity
  • Australian Government data or collections
  • archaeology.

Our FAIR data self-assessment tool can help you check the ‘FAIRness’ of a dataset and illustrate how to enhance its FAIRness.

The tool is freely available for use in training or consultation.

The ARDC runs a range of webinars on FAIR data, recordings of which are available on the ARDC YouTube channel.

Watch our playlist of FAIR data webinar recordings:

The ARDC Skills and Workforce Development team brings partners, lead agencies, peak bodies and other stakeholders together to create and implement a National Digital Research Skills Agenda.

Through our agenda, we have established Digital Research Skills Australasia (DReSA) and are:

  • developing national skills materials
  • building digital research skills communities
  • providing a national skills advantage.

Find FAIR upskilling materials on DReSA. Read more about how DReSA can help you upskill in FAIR data.

Explore and join the many FAIR-related communities and groups we facilitate.

Further FAIR Data Training and Resources

  • Explore FAIRsharing, a curated, informative and educational resource on data and metadata standards, interrelated to databases and data policies, hosted at the University of Oxford.
  • Stay tuned for our upcoming events on FAIR data by subscribing to the ARDC Connect newsletter.