
ARDC Leadership Series: Translation Pathways Between Research, Industry and Government

Join this first of the 2023 ARDC Leadership forums to learn what steps can be taken to improve the collection and flow of environmental data and data products to enable optimal translation to government and industry.
Vector art of a flight of paper planes. Blue band at the bottom

About the Event

Earth and environmental sciences seek to address some of the most complex, interconnected and integrated challenges facing society. These include climate change, agricultural productivity, biosecurity risks, a growing human population and related land use changes, transitioning to new energy systems, declining biodiversity, and understanding the importance of marine, coastal and freshwater environments for ecosystem services.

Multiple national science and regulatory policies have called for improved connectivity, availability and quality of data systems and analysis tools to support research and decision making. The 2021 State of Environment report highlights the necessity of coordinated data infrastructure across government, industry and national research infrastructures to effectively adapt to environmental and climate-related changes. The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements (the Bushfires Royal Commission) and Nature Positive Plan: Better for the Environment, Business for Business emphasise the need for better data quality, standardisation and integration. These reviews recommended the development of data sharing agreements and protocols between government agencies, research institutions, industry and citizen science initiatives to ensure that data is accessible and usable.

New methods to manage the environment such as market-based approaches and natural capital accounting will require reliable data and information supply chains and tools that are auditable and reproducible. Both government and industry are significant contributors and users of data and models. However, challenges persist in accessing sensitive data, addressing commercial considerations, and establishing appropriate national standards to facilitate integration and access.

This forum will explore the translation pathways between research, industry and government. It will bring together thought leaders from all sectors to discuss lowering transaction costs of data access, methods of systematically applying trust and realising the value of all sectors working together.

This is the first of a series of Leadership forums that the ARDC is organising in 2023. These forums provide decision makers in academia, government and industry with the opportunity to work through some of the data challenges facing Australian researchers.


  • Emeritus Professor Stephen Dovers FASSA, Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU
  • Rosie Hicks, CEO, ARDC
  • Kylie Galway, Director – Biodiversity and Nature Positive Leader, Aurecon
  • Associate Professor Michael Vardon, ANU College of Science
  • Professor Richard Kingsford, Director of the Centre for Ecosystem Science, UNSW
  • Jane Coram, Head, Environment Information Australia, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW)


The forum will begin with a panel session, followed by a Q&A session facilitated by a moderator.

Light refreshments will be provided during the event. The forum will be followed by networking drinks.

Who Should Attend

  • Senior leadership in research organisations and research infrastructure organisations and government interested in the challenges in the translation of research outcomes to government and industry in the field of environmental sciences

What You Will Gain

Attendees will achieve a greater understanding of key challenges related to the translation of research outcomes to government and industry in the field of environmental sciences.


The session will be recorded. The recording will be provided to all registrants and published online.

Do you have questions about this event? Contact us.