About the Event
The 2023 Ecological Society of Australian Conference (ESA 2023) will be held in Darwin, NT from 3 to 7 July. The conference features an exciting program of presentations, symposia and speed talks. It will also offer a wide range of social and networking events as well as field trips and workshops.
This is an in-person event with a limited number of online options, including live-streamed plenaries, some live-streamed symposia and online publication of some of the presentations after the conference.
ARDC at ESA 2023
Visit the ARDC booth at the conference to discover digital research infrastructure and services available now for earth and environmental research.
The ARDC’s Kerry Levett will also give a presentation on the Planet Research Data Commons (Planet RDC) in Waterfront Room 1 from 4:30 to 4:45 pm (ACST) on Tuesday 4 July.