Survey on Australian Coastal Research Infrastructure

Share your thoughts before 16 June on the design of a nationally coordinated coastal research capability for Australia.
Whitehaven Beach, Queensland

A survey is underway to collect input on the design of a proposed coastal research infrastructure for Australia.

Proposed by a consortium of facilities under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS), the new infrastructure will deliver nationally coordinated capabilities in sustained observation, modelling and prediction of Australia’s coast. Specifically, it will enable:

  • observation of coastal processes 
  • modelling and prediction across coast-related disciplines
  • data identification, management and integration.

The consortium is seeking input on its scale, scope and priorities. Share your thoughts by completing a survey, which will only take 5 to 10 minutes. The survey closes on 16 June 2023.

With the climate changing rapidly, understanding and managing coastal change is more important but also more challenging than ever. As part of the consortium alongside the ALA, AURIN, AuScope, IMOS and TERN, the ARDC is helping to design an infrastructure that addresses these pressing challenges. This forms part of our work on a Planet Research Data Commons (Planet RDC), which will respond to 4 key data challenges identified in earth and environmental science research:

  1. trusted data and information supply chains
  2. integrated FAIR datasets
  3. networked modelling, analytics and decision support infrastructure
  4. Indigenous knowledge governance, the FAIR principles and skills.

Hamish Holewa, the ARDC Director of the Planet RDC, said, “As with all earth and environmental science research, coastal research happens increasingly at the intersections between different domains and across research, government and industry. This calls for greater data connectivity and availability, and quality of data, systems and people.

“To support data integration, access and analysis across disciplines and sectors, the ARDC Planet RDC will deliver sustainable and secure digital research infrastructure and national data programs. The proposed coastal research infrastructure for Australia, which we’re building with other NCRIS facilities and stakeholders, is one example of such efforts.”

Take the survey on a coastal research infrastructure for Australia. Learn more about the ARDC Planet Research Data Commons.

The ARDC is funded through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) to support national digital research infrastructure for Australian researchers.

Research Data Commons


Jason Yuen (ARDC)

Reviewed by

Jo Savill (ARDC), Hamish Holewa (ARDC) and Kerry Levett (ARDC)