ARDC Jupyter Notebook Service

The Jupyter Notebook is a powerful and interactive international open-source web tool for researchers to develop and share software and to combine software code, computational output, text and multimedia elements in an organised fashion.
Hosted on the ARDC Nectar Research Cloud, our national Jupyter Notebook Service allows researchers to develop and run Jupyter Notebooks using up to:
- 4 virtual CPUs
- 7.5 GB of RAM
- 10 GB of storage.
The service supports launching Jupyter Notebooks within a pre-configured computing environment without the need for users to install any software packages. The user can choose from multiple environments including:
- data science environment (with libraries for data analysis from the Julia, Python, and R communities)
- SciPy environment (with popular packages from the scientific Python ecosystem)
- R environment (with popular packages from the R ecosystem)
- custom environments for particular research disciplines.
All Australian researchers can access the service at no cost with their university or institutional account via the Australian Access Federation (AAF), thanks to investment by the Australian Government in the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).
The Jupyter Notebook Service is powered by the ARDC Nectar Research Cloud, a freely available national research cloud for eligible Australian researchers and research institutions. Learn more about what you can do with Nectar and how to use it.
More on the Jupyter Notebook
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