Trove Researcher Consultation Report

Findings from consultation with the research community about Trove and how they use it.

Trove is an open repository of digitised cultural resources from the National Library of Australia and hundreds of partner organisations.

The Trove Researcher Consultation Report is based on discussions and findings that have emerged from consultation the ARDC undertook with the research community about Trove and how they use it. 

The report aims to inform the nature of a researcher platform, providing:

  • an environmental scan
  • suggestions for Trove’s enhancements that have emerged from the consultation process.

The brief for the report was to consult with researchers about how they use Trove and how they would like to use Trove, in an effort to understand what the research community would require from a Trove Research Platform.

Report Contents

  1. Background 
  2. Components of this report 
  3. Process of consultation 
  4. Environmental scan of Trove use 
    1. How researchers use Trove 
    2. How researchers access Trove 
    3. How researchers could use Trove better, with some proposed enhancements 
    4. Conclusion to Environmental Scan 
  5. Suggestions from the Consultation Process for input into a Trove Researcher Platform 
  6. Conclusion

Further Reading

Learn more about the HASS Research Data Commons and Indigenous Research Capability Program.

  • Trove Research Consultation Report

    By Joanne Tompkins, Independent Advisor, 2022

    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7312161

    View and Download in Zenodo
    Front conver of the Trove research consultation report with the title, the name of the author, and the logos of the A R D C and the N CRIS set against a vector artwork of glowing red and yellow dots connected with one another