Sustaining Research Software

Find out how we support the people who develop and maintain research software.

Sustaining research software means:

  • identifying pathways to support maintenance
  • sustaining roles which are themselves stable, inclusive, supported and valued
  • using tools and techniques for building better software.

How the ARDC Supports Sustaining Research Software

An important first measure for sustaining research software is understanding the scale and distribution of the workforce that develops and maintains the software needing to be sustained. In 2021, the ARDC sought to measure employees who develop and maintain research software across Australia. The report detailing the results estimates that more than 6000 people are in roles that provide this research software capability.

The ARDC also supports the Research Software Engineers Association of Australia and New Zealand (RSE-AUNZ), which aims to raise awareness of the role of research software engineers in the research process and build a community of practice. We support leadership in this group through representation in the steering committee. We encourage RSEs to join RSE-AUNZ and connect with peers seeking stable, fulfilling and recognised roles as research software engineers.

We also:

View the ARDC research software video playlist.

International Initiatives

The following international initiatives support sustaining research software: