Research Data Rights Management Guide

Our practical Research Data Rights Management Guide focuses on rights information and licences, and raises awareness of the implications of not having licences on data.

It is directed toward members of the research sector, particularly data rightsholders, users and suppliers. Some general reference is made to characteristics and management of government data, acknowledging that this kind of data can be input to the research process.


  1. Overview
  2. Is there copyright or other IP rights in data?
    • Does copyright in data really matter?
    • Restricted data
  3. Rights management for data you own or create
    • Research data
    • Government data
    • The nature of government data
    • Data creators, organisational policies and contracts
    • Using and incorporating third-party data
    • Choosing a Creative Commons licence
    • Other Creative Commons tools
    • Data rightsholder’s / creator’s flowchart
  4. Considerations for data you use
    • Do you have permission to (re)use the data you are using?
    • Have you complied with permission that came with the data?
    • Data user’s flowchart
    • Considerations for data supplied through your facility
    • Does your repository / analytical centre / virtual laboratory provide a licence with all the data it holds (or ingests)?
    • Your facility needs to ensure that data is supplied to users with the licence
    • Data suppliers flowchart
  5. Acknowledgements