Resource Hub
Find best-practice guides, skill-building materials, and ARDC-supported datasets, tools and services for digital research.
We’ve also curated digital resources for health and medical, earth and environmental science, and HASS and Indigenous researchers.

Thematic research data commons is:
Uplifting FAIR and CARE Across Earth and Environmental Science Data: A Discussion Paper
This discussion paper, prepared by the ARDC Planet Research Data Commons, identifies key challenges and…
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) Data and Activities
CMIP data and activities at NCI enabled by the Climate Science Data-enhanced Virtual Laboratory (Climate…
Dataset, Tool / Service
AuScope Virtual Research Environment (AVRE)
Access geoscience data and tools from a diverse range of research organisations, government geological surveys…
Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) Portal
Quickly access and format increased volumes of observational marine and climate data.
All-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)
Access data across a federated network of datasets from all types of astronomical facilities in…
Thematic research data commons is:
Building a Trusted Environmental Data and Information Supply Chain: Forum and Workshop Report
Read a report on consultation activities for building a trusted environmental data and information supply…
Dataset, Guide, Tool / Service
Thematic research data commons is:
Resources for Earth and Environmental Science Researchers
Your one-stop shop for datasets, free tools, and upskilling materials for data-intensive research in earth…
Thematic research data commons is:
Planet Research Data Commons: Feedback from Consultations
A report on the feedback from consultations for the ARDC’s Planet Research Data Commons.
Geospatial Data and Metadata
Your best-practice guide to working with geospatial data.
Standardisation of Spatial Data Quality
Watch this presentation to find out why the standardisation of spatial data quality is important.
Rescuing a Valuable Data Collection Using Non-Traditional Means
This ARDC webinar discusses a case study in rescuing a valuable data collection using non-traditional…
Digital Research Training in Geoscience and Astronomy
From the Earth to the stars, developments in digital research are requiring geoscientists and astronomy…
Dataset, Tool / Service
A data platform that connects stable isotope data from federal government science agencies into a single national collection
Australasian Computational and Simulation Commons (ACSC)
Consolidated data derived from quantum mechanical calculations and atomic-level computer simulations of molecular systems, available through the Automated Topology Builder (ATB) and Repository and the ACSC Molecular Simulation Data Repository
Dataset, Tool / Service
Thematic research data commons is:
A world-first collaborative platform for analysing and modelling ecological and environmental challenges
Australian In-Situ Wave Observation Dataset
A harmonised, standardised and trustworthy collection of Australian wave measurements and related tools, created through the Catching Oz Waves project
Dataset, Tool / Service
Air-Health Scientific Workflow System
A platform streamlining environmental health impact assessments to translate research into policy
Dataset, Tool / Service
AusSeabed Marine Data Portal
Access bathymetry datasets and create seamless seabed maps, enabled by the GMRT-AusSeabed project
Tool / Service
Geoscientific Adjoint Optimization Platform (G-ADOPT)
A platform facilitating data-driven modelling across the geosciences through a state-of-the-art inverse modelling method and automatic code generation
Dataset, Tool / Service
2030 Geophysics Collections
National, high-resolution geophysical datasets and software for readiness for exascale geophysics computing in 2030
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