Implementing GS1 Traceability Standards for Orchard Chemical Use and Beehive Movements
Exploreabout Implementing GS1 Traceability Standards for Orchard Chemical Use and Beehive Movements
Farmers and food producers play a crucial role in Australia’s food security. In addition to growing and manufacturing food for consumption, farms generate valuable data. This includes information about:
Providers of services, technology and/or equipment, including businesses and research organisations, often seek to use and analyse the data to improve farm yields and outcomes, or to identify potential system-wide improvements.
However, data sharing practices need to be improved to encourage trust between farmers and providers, and ensure that the data is shared in a safe and secure way. The goal of this initiative is to enable food producers to safely and confidently adopt new technologies, participate in research, and share their data, for the benefit of improving the efficiency and quality of agriculture production.
We have supported our partner, Federation University, to create a digital, customisable data sharing agreement (DSA) template, based on the data sharing template created by the Food Agility CRC, incorporating best practices for data sharing and management between farmers and providers. The tool is now accessible via Federation University.
This is accompanied by a certification program that intends to create trust and improve transparency when providers meet all the criteria of the Australian Farm Data Code, developed by the National Farmers’ Federation.
In addition to the data sharing agreement template, our partners are providing training to the food and agricultural industries about the Data Code and certification process. This training educates food producers about the value of their data, best practices for data management, and the benefits of the certification process.
By fostering greater transparency between providers and food producers, this project empowers farmers and food producers to securely and confidently share their data.
Access the digital Data Sharing Agreement Tool.
The Data Sharing Agreement Tool provides a fair contract template for data sharing between farm businesses and those they share data with. It was developed in partnership with Food Agility CRC, tier-one legal firm Minter Ellison, Federation University and the ARDC.
The Data Sharing Agreement template is for anyone collecting, managing, or sharing farmers’ data. It is designed for contracts with only a few parties, such as a research project contract between a farmer and a research institute, a farm business and a processor, or a farm business and another farm business.
Overall, the project has delivered: