HeSANDA Clinical Trials
Exploreabout HeSANDA Clinical Trials
Research sites and clinical research sponsors are entrusted with the storage of large amounts of clinical research data. Sharing clinical research data can allow a more efficient medical research ecosystem, but identifying the appropriate ethical and governance arrangements for sharing data can be difficult and can prevent valuable new research from proceeding.
The project seeks to improve the efficiency and quality of clinical research data sharing decisions by Australian researchers, human research ethics committees (HRECs), research governance offices and institutions.
It will do this through the development of practical guidance to support trustworthy sharing of clinical research data in Australia, including a data sharing toolkit.
This project is being established under the Health Studies Australian National Data Asset (HeSANDA) program as part of the People Research Data Commons. It expands on a previous partnership between the ARDC and CT:IQ to address patient and research participant consent for data sharing.
The project will:
In collaboration with the clinical research sector, this project will produce:
The project’s outputs will be beneficial for the broader Australian clinical trials community, and much of the information provided will be extensible to other areas of clinical/health research.
To get involved, please contact CT:IQ.