Linked Data Asset for Australian Health Research (LINDAHR)
Exploreabout Linked Data Asset for Australian Health Research (LINDAHR)
Child health and development is complex and is impacted by many environmental, social, and genetic factors. It is also captured across disciplines (medical, social and educational) with varying metrics for each. The challenge is to bring this information together into a single, accessible resource for the benefit of children and families.
The Australian Child and Youth Wellbeing Atlas (ACYWA) brings together the creators of novel tools for data collation, visualisation and analysis, used for research, service planning, and policy development on child health and wellbeing.
The atlas maps data on children and youth across Australia, enabling the visualisation, analysis, and monitoring of health and wellbeing metrics for children.
The project delivered:
Access the Australian Child and Youth Wellbeing Atlas and the user guides.
This project provides visibility of the health, development and wellbeing needs of children across the country. This visibility will provide more specificity and utility of the data available for public policy investment and commissioning decisions enabling maximum impact on the lives of children and families.
Research organisations, researchers, government agencies, non-government organisations, service providers, advocacy groups and community members can now benefit from:
Read the final project report. Visit the Australian Child and Youth Wellbeing Atlas.
Also watch an overview of ACYWA, presented at the June 2024 joint meeting of Australian Sensitive Data Interest Group (AUSDIG) and the Australian and New Zealand Data Quality Interest Group: