The Challenge
Australia requires effective national data policies to underpin and support research activities that solve our nation’s key economic, social and environmental challenges.
Improving research data policies will:
- enhance outcomes for researchers, government and industry
- increase collaboration with international and private sector partners
- enhance productivity growth nationally.
The Approach
The ARDC’s Policy Program advocates for a coherent data policy environment so that Australia’s research data infrastructure can accelerate innovation and foster engagement between Australian and international researchers, governments and industry.
While neither a policy nor lobbyist organisation, we contribute to public discourse and influence policy owners whose rules affect the access, use and publishing of data by and for researchers.
Our activities include:
- monitoring policy proposals and changes
- engaging in policy dialogue nationally and globally
- advocating for policy reform
- building the research data policy capability of stakeholders
- sponsoring targeted projects that inform policy advice.
We firmly believe a shared vision of the policy settings are necessary to optimise the flow of research data and enable successful national research data infrastructure.
We collaborate with a range of stakeholders that includes:
- international organisations (for example, UNESCO, OECD)
- Australian government organisations (such as the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, chief scientists)
- research funding bodies (such as ARC, NHMRC)
- peak bodies (like Universities Australia)
- learned academies (such as AAH, ATSE)
- research organisations (for example, CSIRO, medical research institutes).
Target Outcomes
The following are the outcomes we strive to achieve from our program outputs:
- stakeholders understand the range of policy options and ARDC recommendations
- stakeholders are aware of the value ARDC and NCRIS provide nationally
- policies incorporate ARDC advice reflecting an emerging and coherent vision.
Contact the ARDC
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Related Articles
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