
Australian Vocabulary Special Interest Group Meeting (June 2023)

Join this virtual meeting for 2 presentations on the development and application of vocabularies for transdisciplinary research, and the collaborative extension and implementation of vocabularies in marine science.
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About the Event

The ARDC invites you to the June 2023 virtual meeting of the Australian Vocabulary Special Interest Group (AVSIG). We’ll have 2 presentations at this meeting:

This is the second of the interest group’s 2023 quarterly meetings. Read the agenda and find out more about past meetings.


Recordings of the presentations are now available:

“Building a vocabulary for research integration and implementation useful for transdisciplinary and related research” by Gabriele Bammer, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, ANU
“eReef’s NetCDF-LD implementation of the Parameter Usage Vocabulary (PUV) ontology through collaboration with BODC to use and extend vocabularies from the NERC Vocabulary Server (NVS)” by Erin Kenna, CSIRO

About the AVSIG

Formed in July 2016, the AVSIG provides a forum for discussion and activity on the use and creation of controlled vocabularies in research, data, information and collection management. The AVSIG is supported by the ARDC.

The AVSIG has a Google Group discussion list to support communication among members. Join the AVSIG by subscribing to the list.