
Australian Sensitive Data Interest Group Meeting 35: Accountable and Compliant Records Disposal

Learn about accountable and compliant disposal of Commonwealth records, including data, from the National Archives of Australia.
A person handing a key to another

About the Event

In this webinar, the National Archives of Australia will provide an overview of accountable and compliant disposal of Commonwealth records, including data.

The webinar will start with an outline of the framework for records disposal in the Commonwealth. It will then examine specific topics such as:

  • compliant destruction
  • the Australian Privacy Principles and Commonwealth records
  • identifying personal information collected and how it can be accountably disposed.


Karuna Bhoday is an acting Director at the National Archives of Australia within the Government Records Assurance Section. The section works with Australian Government agencies to ensure the government efficiently, accountably and compliantly creates and manages records, including data.


This session will not be recorded.

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About Australian Sensitive Data Interest Group (AUSDIG)

Australian Sensitive Data Interest Group (AUSDIG) provides an opportunity for anyone interested in discussing the challenges and strategies for managing sensitive data. To watch previous meetings and join the mailing list, visit the AUSDIG website.

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12 February 2025


12 noon to 1 pm (AEDT)





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