
Advanced Analytics in Health Research: National Infrastructure Framework Launch

Join us for the launch of the Framework for Advanced Analytics for National Healthcare Research Infrastructure, co-developed by the ARDC and the ADSN through the ARDC's People Research Data Commons.
Four medical researchers gathering around a computer in a lab

About the Event

We invite you to the launch of the Framework for Advanced Analytics for National Healthcare Research Infrastructure, co-developed by the ARDC and the Australian Data Science Network (ADSN) through the Advanced Analytics in Healthcare activity of the ARDC’s People Research Data Commons for health and medical research.

This framework is the culmination of an extensive co-design process involving surveys, workshops and interviews to gather insights from a diverse group of stakeholders. These consultations identified the needs, aspirations and challenges related to advanced health analytics, providing a solid foundation for shaping Australia’s future health research infrastructure. Based on the findings, this comprehensive framework promotes a coordinated and collaborative approach to health analytics. Leveraging national and international partnerships, it seeks to enhance research capabilities, strengthen data governance and harness technological advancements in healthcare. Key recommendations include:

  • enhance computational resources and data environments
  • standardise data governance and curation
  • promote collaborative and ethical research initiatives
  • support workforce development and practical implementation.

Our aim is to create an Australian Harmonized Approach (AHA) to health data analytics research infrastructure, ensuring that Australia remains at the forefront of health data innovation and governance.

At this launch event, we will delve into the framework’s development, discuss its key recommendations and explore how it can support advanced health analytics in the coming years. It’s a must-attend for anyone involved in health research, data science, policy making or interested in the future of health analytics infrastructure.

This event is brought to you via Australia’s AI Month 2024 by members of the Machine Learning Community of Practice (ML4AU), including the ARDC, Intersect, Monash University, NCI, the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI), Pawsey and QCIF.


A recording of the event is now available:

Who Should Attend

  • Researchers
  • Data scientists
  • Healthcare professionals
  • Policy makers
  • Anyone interested in data science, AI and health research

Learn More

Read more about our Advanced Analytics in Healthcare activity.

In parallel with this framework project, a pathfinder project (targeted proof of concept / demonstrator) was carried out to explore and implement specific federated learning, as implementation challenges also needed to be explored and a federated learning network needed to be built. Read the report.

About the ARDC People Research Data Commons

The ARDC People Research Data Commons (People RDC) is delivering national-scale data infrastructure for health research and translation. It is a long-term program supported by the Australian Government.

Researchers, innovators and policymakers seek to improve health outcomes for society, and yet the data and digital platforms they need span multiple layers of government, health service operations, health research studies, institutes, facilities and the private sector. The People RDC initiative develops, operates and coordinates national-scale capabilities to support digital health research and translation.

Learn more and register your interest in the People RDC.

Do you have questions about this event? Contact us.

Please note that this event may be recorded and published by the ARDC. This may include your contributions during the session. Attendees are expected to comply with the Code of Conduct for ARDC Activities during this event. The ARDC respects the privacy of individuals. Information collected is in accordance with the ARDC Privacy Policy.

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