Accelerate Your Health and Medical Research

Accelerate Your Health and Medical Research

  • Learn best practices for accessing, using, publishing and sharing sensitive data.
  • Quickly access data, software and cloud computing resources for health and medical research from anywhere.
  • Learn to make your data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) to maximise the impact of your work, and apply the CARE principles for Indigenous data sovereignty and governance.
  • Discover, access and reuse clinical trials datasets as well as data from over 100 Australian data sources, including research organisations, government agencies and cultural institutions.
  • Explore how to create, maintain and share your research software or code.
Get your researcher’s guide

Stay Up to Date: Get Your Guide for Data-Enabled Health and Medical Research

Receive 5 emails packed with top data-intensive research tools and upskilling materials curated for health and medical researchers.

You’ll also receive our fortnightly newsletter ARDC Connect, which shares latest news, events, training and resources for data-intensive research in Australia.
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We Are Building Australia’s Research Data Infrastructure

The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) provides Australian researchers with access to national research data collections, cloud computing, platforms and digital research skills training.

We support Australian health and medical researchers in their time-critical, sensitive work across sectors and jurisdictions.

We work with all universities in Australia, medical research institutes, government agencies, overseas organisations and more.

Our Resources for Health and Medical Researchers

Through a number of our services and co-investment projects, we provide health and medical researchers with access to trusted data assets, free digital research tools and upskilling materials. Here are 3 of our top resources:

Health Data Australia

Health Data Australia

Find and share health data for research.

ARDC Virtual Desktop Service

ARDC Virtual Desktop Service

Access extra computing capabilities with 6 ready-to-use desktops, which you easily set up in minutes. One of the desktops, Neurodesktop, enables you to perform flexible, scalable and browser-based neuroimaging data analysis.

Guide to working with sensitive data

Guide to working with sensitive data

Explore this ARDC guide for best-practice advice on accessing, using, publishing and sharing sensitive data.