Accelerate Your HASS and Indigenous Research
- Learn best practices for accessing, using, publishing and sharing sensitive data.
- Find tools and training for text analysis and view changes to Australian cultural data over time using layered maps.
- Learn to make your data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) to maximise the impact of your work.
- Discover, access and reuse data from over 100 Australian data sources, including research organisations, government agencies and cultural institutions.
- Quickly access data, software and cloud computing resources for HASS and Indigenous research from anywhere.
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You’ll also receive our fortnightly newsletter ARDC Connect, which shares latest news, events, training and resources for data-intensive research in Australia.

We Are Building Australia’s Research Data Infrastructure
The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) provides Australian researchers with access to national research data collections, platforms and data-intensive research skills training.
We support HASS and Indigenous researchers across Australia in their work to understand and preserve our culture, society and heritage.
We work with all universities in Australia, government agencies, overseas organisations and more.
How We Support HASS and Indigenous Researchers
Robert McLellan is a Gooreng Gooreng man and Industry Fellow and Program Manager at The University of Queensland working on the ARDC-supported Language Data Commons of Australia.
“Till now, finding language data has really relied on talking to people. And if you weren’t connected with academics, well then you would never know. With the Language Data Commons, if you apply the right search, you’ll be able to access that material, but you’ll also be able to access anthropological materials and other papers that contain less linguistic terminology that can help you get a better understanding about your language.”
Robert McLellan
Industry Fellow and Program Manager, The University of Queensland

Professor Christopher Pettit leads the ARDC-supported project for housing data analytics.
“Housing data across Australia is available through many agencies, across governments and jurisdictions, but the access is fragmented – there isn’t a central place to springboard off and find those datasets. The Australian Housing Data Analytics Platform will help direct users to the best available housing data that exists, whether it’s in government or industry.”
Christopher Pettit
Professor of Urban Science and Director of the City Futures Research Centre, UNSW

Our Resources for HASS and Indigenous Researchers
Through our services and co-investment projects, we provide HASS and Indigenous researchers with access to trusted data assets, free data-intensive research tools and upskilling materials. Here are 3 of our top resources: