The ARDC recently hosted an online train-the-trainer session on the 7 Steps Towards Reproducible Research workshop, which was designed, developed and delivered by Amanda Miotto of Griffith University in collaboration with Adam Partridge of the UK Reproducibility Network (UKRN). Our session guided trainers through the necessary skills and materials to teach reproducible research practices at their respective institutions.
7 Steps Towards Reproducible Research is designed to be discipline-agnostic and suitable for researchers at any skill level. The training can be offered as self-paced modules or delivered via online workshops, and it can be adapted for institutional contexts. Each step includes a variety of activities, discussion topics and direction to further resources. Participants appreciated the detailed coverage, practical tips, and the availability of comprehensive materials.
Connecting Research and Practice
A novel training approach, 7 Steps Towards Reproducible Research highlights the value of reproducible research beyond academia. Each step shows how reproducible methods build trust, retain knowledge, and ensure business continuity. By linking good data practices to risk management in both institutional and industry contexts, researchers will be able to effectively communicate with university administration and industry leaders, aligning their work with broader research translation goals.
Amanda Miotto, eResearch Analyst, Griffith University, led our 26 September 2024 session on how to teach researchers these steps towards reproducible research. The session was attended by researchers from a range of disciplines and research training professionals across the national research infrastructure (NRI) sector.
“We are very proud to be able to share this workshop, with support from and in collaboration with the UKRN. Reproducible research is so important in building trust in knowledge gained from research outputs and it has been a fantastic experience to be able to contribute to these efforts,” Miotto stated.
Findable, Accessible and Reusable Training Materials
Kathryn Unsworth, Manager, Skilled Workforce Development, ARDC, highlighted the importance of this initiative: “The ARDC is always pleased to showcase the exceptional work of home-grown talent in developing practical data management training modules for Australian researchers. By leveraging The Carpentries’ new lesson template and tailoring it for local needs, Amanda and her collaborators have crafted an incredibly smart and accessible resource.”
Feedback from participants of our session was enthusiastic and positive. By the end of the workshop, attendees had gained a deeper understanding of reproducible research principles and were prepared to implement these practices in their own work.
“The training content is amazing, thank you for assembling this package,” said one attendee.
The workshop materials are openly licensed (CC-BY 4.0), hosted on GitHub and can be found in the DReSA Training Catalogue.
For more information, visit ARDC’s Skills and Workforce Development page.
The ARDC is enabled by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) to support national digital research infrastructure for Australian researchers.
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