Thematic Research Data Commons Update

We share the consultation findings for the People Research Data Commons.
Thematic Research Data Commons update

The Thematic Research Data Commons model sees the ARDC bring together its expertise, services and capabilities, and work closely in partnership with the research community on longer term, large-scale programs to create enduring digital infrastructure. The ARDC is currently developing the initial program of work for the People Research Data Commons and the Planet Research Data Commons.

People Research Data Commons Consultation Findings Now Available

Consultations were held earlier this year with the health research community on the People Research Data Commons (People RDC). The findings from these initial consultations are now available in a consultation feedback report.

The focus of the initial consultations was on “What the People RDC needs to deliver” and “Why the challenges addressed by the People RDC would be transformative for research.”

The next stage of the People RDC consultation, design and development will include NCRIS facilities, data custodians and research infrastructure providers. The discussions will cover the question of “How can the People RDC deliver infrastructure to address the identified challenges by building on existing capabilities, both within the ARDC and across the sector?”

Dr Adrian Burton and Anitha Kannan will lead the People RDC through the next stages of development. This work will dovetail with and be informed by ongoing ARDC initiatives such as the Health Studies Australian National Data Asset.

Read the People RDC consultation feedback report. For updates on the People RDC, please register your interest.

Planet Research Data Commons — Submit Your EOI for the Position of Director

The ARDC is about to begin the consultation process to establish the initial scope of the Planet Research Data Commons (Planet RDC), which will explore the digital research infrastructure needs for research challenges set out in the 2021 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap, including of environment and climate.

The expression of interest for the Director, Planet Research Data Commons (Planet RDC) has now closed. During the recruitment process, Dr Andrew Treloar, Director, is taking the role of Interim Lead for Planet Research Data Commons and has carriage of the consultation process.

The Planet RDC will open for consultations soon.

For updates on the Planet Research Data Commons and participate in the consultations, please subscribe to our newsletter.

The ARDC is funded through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) to support national digital research infrastructure for Australian researchers.

Research Data Commons


Dr Emma Crott and Rosie Hicks, ARDC