Biosecurity Commons Grows to Support Sector
Exploreabout Biosecurity Commons Grows to Support Sector
Since our last update in June, the ARDC’s Planet Research Data Commons (Planet RDC) has been busy developing infrastructure and partnerships to directly address the pressing data challenges for Australian researchers. ARDC and partner co-investment in these projects exceeds $19 million across more than 40 partners that span research, government and private industry for the coming 2 years.
In this update, we are excited to announce the launch of the Shared Environmental Analytics Facility (SEAF) in Perth by Western Australian Science Minister Stephen Dawson. SEAF provides secure data and analytics environments that allow research, decision makers and industry to collaborate and assess cumulative impact at a regional scale.
Throughout our national consultation, researchers told us that processing large datasets to enable continental-scale monitoring of species and the environment was a significant challenge. Lack of access to storage, processing, cutting-edge algorithms and support was limiting research. This update showcases the launch of the Machine Observation Data Processing Infrastructure program with our expanding partnership with Open EcoAcoustics and new partnerships with the WildObs project. These partnerships will provide expert support, processing and methods for researchers to undertake ecoacoustic and camera trap monitoring.
The projects are integrated across the Planet RDC to create a portfolio of digital research infrastructure projects that will help researchers address the complex problems, including those identified in the recently released National Science and Research Priorities and National Digital Research Infrastructure (NDRI) Strategy and National Science Priorities.
The Planet RDC team has established several project partnerships within our 4 focus areas, as detailed below.
I encourage you to get involved in co-design for 2 Trusted Environmental Data and Information Supply Chains projects: Gayini and Offshore Renewables.
We recently held the first MODs steering committee meeting, chaired by Professor Glenda Wardle, University of Sydney. Read the communique.
Below we share the latest news, opportunities, events and resources for earth and environmental research.
Please encourage your colleagues to register their interest in the Planet Research Data Commons to receive regular updates.
Kind regards,
Hamish Holewa
Director, Planet Research Data Commons
Gayini Trusted Environmental Data and Information Supply Chain – in Co-design
Read the proposed project overview and register your interest to participate in co-design activities for creating research infrastructure for environmental management, decision making and research in the Gayni in the Murrumbidgee catchment in NSW. This project is part of the Planet Research Data Commons.
Register your interest to participate in workshops and discussions on building data, analytics and governance infrastructure to enable cumulative environmental impact assessments of offshore renewable energy infrastructure. The declared Gippsland offshore renewables region will be a case study for the project, which is part of the Planet Research Data Commons.
9 – 12 Sept: Science at the Shine Dome 2024
10 – 13 Sept: RSE Asia Australia 2024 Unconference
17 – 19 Sept: International Conference of Ocean Energy.
25 Sept: ARDC Leadership Series: Enabling Research Translation
28 Oct: NCRIS Staff Celebration at eResearch Australasia
6 – 7 Nov: ResBaz Queensland 2024
9 – 13 Nov: Ecological Society of Australia (ESA) Conference 2024
10 – 12 Nov: G-ADOPT Workshop 2024: A Geoscientific Modelling Platform
12 – 14 Nov: 23rd Research Data Alliance Plenary
26 – 28 Nov: ResBaz Victoria 2024
2 – 4 Dec: Australian Data Science Network (ADSN) Conference 2024
The Australian Farm Data Code was developed and adopted by the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) in consultation with industry, with support from the Australian Government and the ARDC through our Data Sharing Initiative project. The Code aims to promote adoption of digital technology, by ensuring that farmers have comfort in how their data is used, managed, and shared.
Dispersal Modelling on Biosecurity Commons Tutorial Video
Learn how to use the Dispersal Modelling workflow on Biosecurity Commons, which allows you to predict the spread of invasive species over time.