24th Research Data Alliance (RDA) Plenary
Go to partner eventabout 24th Research Data Alliance (RDA) Plenary
On 14 December 2021 the Australian Government released the first ever Australian Data Strategy. The Strategy signposts the Australian Government’s data intent and efforts over the period to 2025.
Dr Adrian Burton, Director of Data, Policy, and Services at the ARDC said, “The Australian Data Strategy recognises the benefits of data circulating throughout the society, particularly among the public, private, and research sectors. Better data translates to better health and education, more secure food and resources, more innovative manufacturing, richer culture, and a healthier planet.
“Research data infrastructure like the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) shows up as a key enabler of these economic, social, and environmental benefits.”
The strategy recognises the importance of government better enabling the sharing of data across sectors including to and from the research sector:
“…greater and more secure data sharing for the purposes of research will facilitate better and more data-driven research outcomes, drive new public-private research partnership models, and also facilitate better policy outcomes and innovation gains for all Australians.”
The strategy states the public can be confident that:
“…researchers use data responsibly, ethically and safely. The 2018 Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research and its related data guide establishes the responsibilities of researchers and their institutions with regard to data and data management.”
Finally, the strategy commits Australia as: “…a trusted and influential partner in the international community,” that contributes “…to priority initiatives such as international data standards, and data flows that are safe, secure, lawful and ethical and in line with Australia’s values and interests.”
The strategy highlights the contribution of the ARDC to global data exchange through the Research Data Alliance and recognises the importance of NCRIS in building globally connected data infrastructure.
The ARDC was invited to provide specialist advice during the targeted consultation phases.
The strategy covers until 2025 and is currently being extended to 2030. You can contribute to the strategy extension now — submissions are open until 30 June 2022. Find out how to make a submission.
The ARDC is funded through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) to support national digital research infrastructure for Australian researchers.