Adopting ORCID Identifier in Australia

The ARDC was a key contributor to the development of the Australian ORCID Consortium.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) provides a researcher with a unique and persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that distinguishes individual researchers from other researchers and enables them to manage their records.

An ORCID iD helps connect the researcher with their grants, publications and affiliations. The researcher can also use their identifier to share their information with other systems, ensuring due recognition of their work and raising their research profile, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Over the last five years, the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) has been working in conjunction with a range of partners, including Universities Australia, the Council of Australian University Librarians, Australasian Research Management Society, Australian Access Federation, and the Council of Australian University Directors of Information Technology as well as the Australian Research Council and the National Health and Medical Council to facilitate national discussions around the adoption of ORCID iD as a common identifier. The ARDC was a key contributor to the development of the Australian ORCID Consortium.

Ms Natasha Simons,the ARDC’s Associate Director Skilled Workforce is the Deputy Chair of the Australian ORCID Advisory Group, says the Consortium provides a national, sector-wide approach to adoption of ORCID iDs in Australia, maximising benefits for member organisations, the provision of local support and a range of resources.

“Our vision is that all Australian researchers, regardless of institutional affiliation, will be able to easily claim and manage the data regarding their research grants, research and research-related outputs through ORCID iDs and that their details will travel with them as they build their careers.

“This will help greatly in reducing red tape, increasing efficiency, improving data quality and enhancing the online presence of Australian research in the global market,” Ms Simons said.